General Questions
I have attended Surf Expo in the past. Must I register all my company data again?
Although you must “register” each buyer attendee for each show, your store data will be saved as long as you have attended since September 2023. Please take the time to make sure all data is up to date (i.e. your mailing address, phone number, e-mail and product categories you purchase at Surf Expo).
I am an approved store owner, and would like to bring a guest/ team rider. What do I need to do?
Approved Retail Company/ Store owners may bring up to four guests/ team riders total. There will be a fee of $25 each. All buyer guests/ team riders must register onsite along with the main store contact.
I would like to attend Surf Expo. What credentials will I need?
Surf Expo is not open to the public.
- Retail Companies/ Stores need to supply a valid Federal Tax ID (this is not your Employer Identification Number, or EIN, an EIN will NOT be accepted as proof of retail business), a copy of a valid Retail Business License or Certificate of Resale and two recent invoices for products merchandise similar to that exhibit at Surf Expo, as well as a valid website URL for on-line businesses (not a parked or under-construction/ coming soon page) to be considered.
- First time attendees (buyers) need to show government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, passport), employee verification letter on company letterhead from owner or manager stating job status, copy of company credit card with both employee’s and company’s name copy of company insurance with employee name listed.
Is there a charge for attending Surf Expo as a Buyer?
Surf Expo is free for qualified Retail Buyers who register before August 21, 2025. Starting August 21, 2025 there will be a fee of $25 to register to attend the show.
Who can I contact to order electrical/lighting services?
Please see “Electrical, Lighting & Utilities” for services provided by the Orange County Convention Center, in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
Where can I find the shipping information?
Shipping information and shipping labels can be found in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
What is the address to the Convention Center?
Orange County Convention Center – South Concourse
Address for South Concourse:
9899 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
What time can exhibitors get onto the show floor during show days?
Exhibitors can access the show floor one hour prior to show opening.
What are the Registration hours?
Please note – a unique email address is required for all badge requests!
Tuesday, September 2: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Wednesday, September 3: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
*Thursday, September 4: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
*Friday, September 5: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
*Saturday, September 6: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
*Show Day
What are the exhibitor move-in hours?
For complete move-in instructions refer to the Exhibitor Service Kit.
As an exhibitor, how do I register for badges?
Once your booth is assigned, the person designated as your Contract Contact will receive a Booth Confirmation email with links and login information to register your booth personnel for badges. You can also register personnel for badges on site at the show.
Are non-exhibiting manufacturers allowed to register and attend the show?
All non-exhibiting brands, manufacturers, reps, team riders, suppliers & graphic artists, or other people who are affiliated with our industries, but are NOT BUYERS, will be considered a Non-Exhibiting Manufacturer. To qualify, you must provide a business card, personal identification, and will be charged a $2,000 fee (per person, up to 2 per company, cannot be requested for future shows), which covers admittance for all show dates. Surf Expo only accepts credit cards and a receipt will be provided. A Non-Exhibiting Manufacturer pass will not be issued until Thursday, September 5th unless management makes an exception. This badge type does not pertain, nor allow access to the show floor for companies engaged in the business of Marketing and/ or Financial Planning/ Institutions. Those companies can only access Surf Expo by contracting booth space. NO MATERIALS CAN BE DISTRIBUTED AND NO SOLICITATION CAN BE DONE INSIDE THE SHOW. MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REMOVE ANY SUCH PERSON DISTRIBUTING MATERIALS FROM THE SHOW WITHOUT REFUND.